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While our clothing might be the most tangible aspect of our company, we also take great pride in our community involvement. Whether it's creating custom tees for The Compo Beach lifeguards or hand distributing over 300 gloves on a chilly February evening, our 203 crew loves to be all-in with our community involvement. 



A quick glance at our community involvement...

203 Community Day: On February 3rd (or 2/03) we make it our mission to spread warmth throughout The 203! On 2/03 we pass out and donate over 203 pairs of knit gloves throughout the community.

Our annual 203 Community Day is built around our passion for helping others. As a company, The Two Oh Three is an avid believer in acts of kindness, no matter how big or small. We believe that the tiniest efforts can have a massive impact on individuals and their communities. 

The goal of our Community Day is simple: to brighten as many people’s day as possible through a small act of kindness—handing out gloves.

Collaborations: We love collaborating with local organizations to create custom designs with meaning. Our brand gives locals a sense of identity and we are always thrilled to get involved with community groups and organizations within The 203! 

We collaborated with Yale University to create custom shirts for their students. These shirts featured an epic design that said "Earning my degree in The 203". This design helped students feel a strong connection to The 203 and strengthened their sense of connection to this community. 

Other collaborations include: Custom gear for Compo Beach Lifeguards, Custom Independence Day shirts featuring our iconic 'Minute Man', Custom baby onesies for local hospitals, local event sponsorship, teaming up with local artists to create handmade products for our collections.