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The Best Christmas Tree Farms in Connecticut

Christmas Tree “Hunting” has been a long-standing family tradition that we never skip out on. Growing up, we would cut down a 10 - 15 foot tree for our family’s Barn every year— annnd many years we would hit several tree farms before finding the perfect one (yes, mom, we KNOW you want one with pine cones & berries).

For us, heading to local tree farms is about so much more than just cutting down the perfect tree— we love the entire experience (and for Roscoe, it's alllll about the snacks & hot coco- hahaha).

Whether you are looking for a ride on a horse-drawn carriage, a visit with Santa, a selfie with a reindeer, orrr you’re just in it for the pre-tree tailgating (I mean, who isn't?)…we’ve got you covered!

To help you pick the perfect farm to visit this year— We’ve rounded up a list of our favorite local spots for Christmas Tree HUNTING in Connecticut, and as always, we included *pro tips* on each location!

We can't wait to hear what you guys think.... 

The 203's Guide To Christmas Tree Farms in Connecticut-- 

Maple Row Farm, Easton CT: If you're looking for an X-mass Tree TAILGATE experience, Maple Row is the place to do it. At Maple Row friends and family groups gather in the parking lot for hot coco, snacks and games before heading to get their trees. Grab some buddies (and some snacks) and make a day out of the experience! Maple row has a mix of pre-cut (and trimmed) trees, as well as cut-your-own Christmas trees. They have a holiday shop with beautiful wreaths, evergreen arrangements and garlands. (Dogs are welcome too!) 

Dzen Tree Farm, South Windsor CT: If you have kids, take them to Dzen! We love that they have resident reindeers for visitors to take photos with! Don't miss hot coco and treats at their “Rockin' Reindeer Cafe". Head to their website for all the details and information on their fun and festive season of events! 

Fairview Tree Farm, Shelton CT: Horse drawn carriage ride, anyone? HECKK YESS, Sign us upp! We love that this local tree farm offers it all… hayrides with Santa, a festive Christmas Shop with wreaths and seasonal goodies, hot cocoa & hot cider donuts at their concession shop! 

Everett’s Corner Farm, Easton CT:  Everetts has an authentic charm that you feel from the moment you arrive. This family owned tree farm offers the best price on cut your own trees-- offering any tree, any size for $60! Plus, they offer hot coco and a fire pit to keep you warm. 

Sabia Tree Farm, Easton CT: This picturesque tree farm is one of our faves. It’s small but mighty and the owners are the best! We love that all of their trees are seemingly perfect and that the pre-cut options are set up in such a way that still makes you feel like you are in a mini tree forest. We love that they have a fire pit burning all season! 

Castle Hill Farm, Newton CT: As you might know from our fall bucket list, Castle Hill is one of our fave local farms! This spot is pristine and offers so much to the community seasonally. Head here to cut your own or pick from their pre cut options!

Connecticut Audubon Society, Westport CT: We love that this tree farm donates part of their seasonal profits to the Connecticut Audubon Society and that their tree farm is located IN a nature preserve. This tree farm always gives us a feel-good vibe. They are open on Tuesdays-Fridays from 12 pm - 4 pm and on weekends from 10 am - 4 pm.

Jones Family Farm, Shelton CT: Holiday markets, farm-fresh cookies, wine, AND cut your own trees? Sign us up! There is so much going on at Jone’s this season. Check their website for all of the details. Pro tip- don’t forget to make a reservation this year. 

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